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NCAA Alumni Recruiting Guidelines

NCAA Alumni and Friends Recruiting Guidelines

6.4.2 Representatives of Athletics Interests.

An institution’s “responsibility” for the conduct of its intercollegiate athletics program shall include responsibility for the acts of individuals when a member of the institution’s executive or athletics administration has knowledge or should have knowledge that such an individual:

(a) Has participated in or is a member of an agency or organization as described in Constitution 6.4.1;
(b) Has made financial contributions to the athletics department or to an athletics booster organization of that institution;
(c) Has been requested by the athletics department staff to assist in the recruitment of prospective student athletes or is assisting in the recruitment of prospective student-athletes;
(d) Has assisted or is assisting in providing benefits to enrolled student-athletes; or
(e) Is otherwise involved in promoting the institution’s athletics program. Agreement to Provide Benefit or Privilege.

Any agreement between an institution (or any organization that promotes, assists or augments in any way the athletics interests of the member institution, including those identified per Constitution 6.4.1) and an individual who, for any consideration, is or may be entitled under the terms of the agreement to any benefit or privilege relating to the institution’s athletics program, shall contain a specific clause providing that any such benefit or privilege may be withheld if the individual has engaged in conduct that is determined to be a violation of NCAA legislation. The clause shall provide for the withholding of the benefit or privilege from a party to the agreement and any other person who may be entitled to a benefit or privilege under the terms of the agreement. (Adopted: 1/10/95) Retention of Identity as “Representative.”

Any individual participating in the activities set forth in Constitution 6.4.2 shall be considered a “representative of the institution’s athletics interests,” and once so identified as a representative, it is presumed the person retains that identity.

13.2.1 General Regulation.
An institution’s staff member or any representative of its athletics interests shall not be involved, directly or indirectly, in making arrangements for or giving or offering to give any financial aid or other benefits to the prospective student-athlete or the prospective student-athlete’s relatives or friends, other than expressly permitted by NCAA regulations. Receipt of a benefit by prospective student-athletes or their relatives or friends is not a violation of NCAA legislation if it is demonstrated that the same benefit is generally available to the institution’s prospective students or their relatives or friends or to a particular segment of the prospective student body (e.g., foreign prospective students, minority prospective students) determined on a basis unrelated to athletics ability. For violations of this bylaw in which the value of the offer or inducement is $100 or less, the eligibility of the individual (i.e., prospective or enrolled student-athlete) shall not be affected conditioned on the individual repaying the value of the benefit to a charity of his or her choice. The individual, however, shall remain ineligible from the time the institution has knowledge of the receipt of the impermissible benefit until the individual repays the benefit. Violations of this bylaw remain institutional violations per Constitution 2.8.1, and documentation of the individual’s repayment shall be forwarded to the enforcement staff. (Revised: 1/13/98, 1/10/05, 1/9/06)

13.2.2 Specific Prohibitions.

Specifically prohibited financial aid, benefits and arrangements include, but are not limited to, the following:

(a) An employment arrangement for a prospective student-athlete’s relatives;
(b) Gift of clothing or equipment;
(c) Cosigning of loans;
(d) Providing loans to a prospective student-athlete’s relatives or friends;
(e) Cash or like items;
(f) Any tangible items, including merchandise;
(g) Free or reduced-cost services, rentals or purchases of any type;
(h) Free or reduced-cost housing;
(i) Use of an institution’s athletics equipment (e.g., for a high school all-star game); or
(j) Sponsorship of or arrangement for an awards banquet for high school, preparatory school or two-year college athletes by an institution, representatives of its athletics interests, or its alumni groups or booster clubs. Eligibility Ramifications—Restitution for Receipt of Improper Benefits.

For violations of Bylaw 13.2.2 in which the value of the offer or inducement is $100 or less, the eligibility of the individual (i.e., prospective or enrolled student-athlete) shall not be affected conditioned on the individual repaying the value of the benefit to a charity of his or her choice. The individual, however, shall remain ineligible from the time the institution has knowledge of the receipt of the impermissible benefit until the individual repays the benefit. Violations of this bylaw remain institutional violations per Constitution 2.8.1, and documentation of the individual’s repayment shall be forwarded to the enforcement staff. (Revised: 1/13/98, 1/8/01, 1/9/06)